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Ikeja Electric upgrades SingleView Web Application for Excellent Customer Experience

Lagos, Nigeria; 22nd May, 2023:   Nigeria’s foremost utility company, Ikeja Electric has taken customer experience to another level with the introduction of Singleview 2.0 web application. This latest version is an enhanced customer self-service package with consolidated account management features purposely designed and built for Ikeja Electric’s customers, including prepaid, postpaid, maximum demand, non-maximum Continue Reading

Maecenas convallis turpis porta justo

Donec tempus neque gravida, cursus sem sed, fringilla libero. In blandit commodo tellus in euismod. Mauris tempus lacus odio, ac molestie leo hendrerit vel. Vivamus et ante molestie, gravida lorem non, hendrerit dui. Maecenas convallis turpis porta justo posuere, id posuere turpis commodo. Cras sed scelerisque ipsum, non elementum risus. Etiam sodales, mauris vitae finibus Continue Reading